Thank you for taking the time to visit our class page. I hope you find all of the information below useful.
Who is my child’s class teacher?
Miss Raffé is the Year 1 Class Teacher.
Miss Wood and Mrs Else are the Year 1 Learning Support Assistants.
What time does school start and finish?
School starts at 8.45am and finishes at 3.15pm. Children will enter through the front of school at 8.45am and leave through the classroom doors at 3.15pm.
When is school closed for holidays?
Please visit the term dates (Click here) section of our school website.
What will my child be learning this year?
In Reading and Phonics, your child will learn set 2 and set 3 Read Write Inc sounds. They will read green words, red words, multisyllabic words and bring books home which are matched to their appropriate phonic level. Children will also answer questions based on what they have read.
In Writing, your child will learn how to use capital letters, full stops, question marks and exclamation marks through different genres of writing. They will apply their phonic knowledge to help them spell words phonetically and they will also learn different spelling rules such as adding ‘ed’ and ‘ing’ to a word. They will also learn how to form letters in a pre-cursive style and sit them correctly on the line. Your child will learn how to write basic sentences including all the above.
In Maths, your child will learn how to count forwards and backwards to 100 in jumps of 1, 2, 5 and 10. They will learn one more and one less than a number, partition and compare the value of numbers and write numbers accurately. They will learn how to add and subtract numbers to 20 using different practical and written methods and they will also solve missing number problems. They will learn to measure using standard and non-standard units, tell the time to half past and o’clock.
In Science, we will learn about animals including humans, everyday materials and plants. We also learn about seasonal changes across the year too.
In the Wider Curriculum, we will learn key knowledge, skills and vocabulary through different topics such as Our School, Kings and Queens, Mechanisms and Andy Goldsworthy. Please see the Wider Curriculum page on our school website for more information on each subjec - Click Here