Hindley Junior & Infant School

Argyle Street, Hindley, Wigan, Lancashire WN2 3PN   01942 255339   07759 969879

School Meals
School meals at Hindley Junior and Infant School are cooked onsite in our kitchen. Local Kitchen are the company that are used to cook, prepare and serve all school dinners. Please click on the link below for all information and menus.

Children order what they want online from a given menu using the EVOLVE app (please ask the school office for more information). Children order and pay (if not entitled to free school meals) at home with parents/carers, and can order up to weeks in advance if they wish.

Paying for school meals
All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 in England are eligible for Universal Infant Free School Meals as part of the government’s initiative.
From Year 3 to Year 6, children need to pay for school meals (if they are not entitled to free school meals).
The current cost of a school meal is £2.51 per day. This is paid online using the EVOLVE app (please see the school office for any enquiries)



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