Hindley Junior & Infant School

Argyle Street, Hindley, Wigan, Lancashire WN2 3PN   01942 255339   07759 969879

Sports Premium

Physical education plays a crucial role in the education of the whole child. It contributes directly to development of physical ability and health and fitness, and helps children learn to make informed choices and understand the value of leading a physically active lifestyle.

Physical education is unique to the school curriculum as the only programme that provides students with opportunities to learn fundamental movement skills, develop fitness, gain an understanding about physical activity and promote social, cooperative and problem-solving abilities in children. It also allows us to teach and promote our school characteristics of respect, resilience, honesty, determination, confidence, cooperation and ambition.  Through physical education pupils learn about the benefits of being physically active as well as the skills and knowledge to incorporate safe, satisfying physical activity within their lifestyle.

The primary PE and sport premium was introduced in March 2013 to improve the provision of physical education and school sport in primary schools across England.  The funding is allocated to primary schools and is ring-fenced. This means that the funding should be used to develop or add to the PE and sport activities that schools already offer and/or make sustainable improvements that will benefit pupils joining the school in future years,  encouraging the development of healthy, active lifestyles. With this in mind, schools can choose how they use the funding.

Schools are required to publish details of how they spend this funding as well as on the impact it has on pupils’ PE and sport participation and attainment.

The named governor responsible for ensuring that The Sports Premium is used effectively is Mrs Kayley Best.

Clicking the links below will download our Sports Premium Strategy. 



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