Hindley Junior & Infant School

Argyle Street, Hindley, Wigan, Lancashire WN2 3PN   01942 255339   07759 969879

How accessible is the school?


Is the building fully wheelchair accessible?

The school building occupies a level site with corridors and doors that are wheelchair accessible. There are
a number of access points to the building which are all wheelchair accessible.

Have there been improvements in the auditory and visual environment?

There is plenty of natural light in each classroom and soft furnishings are used to reduce the amount of reverberation and noise disturbance. Displays are carefully planned to be informative yet uncluttered and classrooms follow an agreed colour code for backing paper. Corridors and doorways are wide enough to accommodate the needs of people with mobility issues.

Are there disabled changing and toilet facilities?

There are disabled toilets accessible throughout school, including a shower room facility.

How does the school communicate with parent carers whose first language is not English?

Within school we will endeavour to support all our parents whatever their communication needs. School social media / communication systems have translation functionality. Where parents do not have English as a spoken language we encourage them to bring friends, family or representatives from the local community to assist in meetings. Where a translation programme / App is appropriate these will be utilised. We can access the Local Authority EMAS (Educational Minority Achievement Service) support if required, or commission translators from recognised agencies.

Information for new or prospective parents relating to school uniform etc. are printed with the addition of photographs and/or images to assist them. Where classes are using ‘Class Dojo’ the interpretation option is available to support parents and staff. Where appropriate, letters will be sent with a web, “Google translate “or “Microsoft Office” based translation in order to assist parents who may find accessing their meaning difficult. Where further clarification is needed staff will consider using “Google translate” on a tablet to assist
with two-way communication.

How will equipment and facilities to support children and young people with special educational needs be

The SEN budget is held by the SENDCo and can be used to provide resources and equipment for any pupil with additional needs. There is a small stock of commonly used SEND assistive equipment and specific items can be purchased when required.




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