What is the pastoral, medical and social support available in the school for children with SEND?
Our Learning Mentor is available to support children and their families where there is an issue which may be preventing them from participating fully within the school. Where appropriate Early Help meetings may be initiated to support the pupil and their family which may draw in additional services from the Local Education, Social Care and Health Authorities as appropriate.
How does the school manage the administration of medicines and providing personal care?
When medication is required to be taken within school time, arrangements can be made for a member of staff to administer with parental agreement as outlined in the medical needs policy. Parents should contact the reception team to arrange to discuss medical needs with the office staff and complete the appropriate paperwork which then allows staff within school to administer the medication when required.
What support is there for behaviour, avoiding exclusions and increasing attendance?
The class teachers manage the day to day discipline of the classroom and children will be supported to participate appropriately using the school’s agreed systems of rewards and sanctions. Where children require additional support the Learning Mentor will become involved and in discussion with parents plan additional ways to support the pupil to develop the skills needed to manage their own behaviour better. Should additional support from outside agencies be appropriate this will be discussed with parents and an Early Help or Pastoral Support Plan initiated drawing on the support from outside services, which may not necessarily be from within Wigan LA dependent upon the needs and availability of support.
Where attendance and/or punctuality is identified as an issue the Learning Mentor will follow similar processes as above and monitor progress and improvement over time; this will be recorded using an Assess, Plan, Do, Review (APDR) format. Where attendance continues to cause concern more formal processes will be followed as outlined in the school’s attendance policy.
How will my child be able to contribute his or her views? How will the school support my child to do this?
At Hindley J & I School, we are proud of the positive relationships that children have with the staff. Should additional support be felt appropriate the Learning Mentor is able to spend time speaking to pupils about their views and support them in resolving any issues. We have a School Council who can collect and share class opinions to inform the development of whole school practice.
When children with Special Needs find communication difficult we often use symbols or objects to assist communication within school and pupils would be encouraged to use these to assist in their voice being heard; a number of staff have been trained in ‘Talking tables’. If the family have English as an additional language and require an interpreter, school will consider providing this resource to assist with communication within appropriate meetings.