Hindley Junior & Infant School

Argyle Street, Hindley, Wigan, Lancashire WN2 3PN   01942 255339   07759 969879



Our intention is that our Maths curriculum meets the National Curriculum requirements and provides the children with a broad and rich learning experience.

Maths teaching and learning provides children with the opportunity to become number fluent and increase their problem solving and reasoning ability. Children experience learning in a variety of ways, using different resources and approaches including concrete, pictorial and abstract methods.

Our vision is to equip our pupils with key skills, knowledge and vocabulary that will enable them to be successful at all elements of the maths curriculum. This is embedded through a challenging curriculum delivered through high quality teaching and learning opportunities.

The Written Calculation Policy shows how each calculation strategy develops through school, and the Progression in Maths document outlines how children’s learning is sequenced and builds on previous learning. Staff Training has ensured that teachers understand what is meant by mathematical fluency, reasoning and problem solving.

Maths fits within the schools aims and key characteristics, by ensuring children access the best set of key skills and knowledge through quality first teaching and learning. Progress from EYFS to Year 6 is monitored regularly by the Maths Leader.



At Hindley J&I, maths is delivered in a way that enables children to build on what they know and have previously learned. Lessons are planned and taught in sequences which develop skills and knowledge progressively.

The majority of pupils will move through the curriculum at broadly the same pace. Children who grasp concepts rapidly are challenged through solving problems. Those who are not sufficiently fluent with earlier material consolidate their understanding, including through additional practice, before moving on.

Concepts are taught using concrete representations alongside pictorial and symbolic representations. This allows the children to gain a secure understanding of the concepts, finding and building links.

Once children have a secure knowledge and understanding of the concepts, these are then applied in different contexts, question styles and/or problem solving questions. The knowledge and skills are also used and applied within different subjects in the curriculum.

Our staff have the knowledge, skills, knowledge of their children and understanding of our ‘Hindley J&I’ expectations to plan and prepare sequenced learning from the Programme of Study (National Curriculum). Using this information and the use of on-going assessment, teacher’s plan the order of study with the awareness that concepts are often interconnected.

The four operations; addition, multiplication, subtraction and division are taught very early on in each year as these are used and applied in other aspects of the programme of study e.g. perimeter. They are practised regularly.
Pupils are taught in year group classes, which are mixed ability. High quality teaching and learning provides children with the opportunity to become number fluent and increase their problem solving and reasoning ability. In children’s learning books, you will see a variety of fluency and problem solving activities, providing children with an opportunity to apply previously taught skills in order to embed and excel in the subject.

Teachers are aware of the different learning needs in class, and use differentiated inputs often to ensure that all children receive an appropriate level of challenge. Groups of children are taught and supported by the teacher and support staff in each lesson. 

Within the daily maths lessons, children are given opportunities to recap prior knowledge. Working walls are used to display new content in a way that encourages children to make connections with prior learning. Recapping of prior learning is done regularly through ‘retrieval’ activities throughout the week. This can include previous topics from that year, or previous ones.



The impact of our Maths offer is measured through our monitoring cycle. The Maths Leader and SLT monitor the embedded learning by interviewing pupils, monitoring books and conducting lesson learning walks. This ensures the highest quality of teaching and learning and provides evidence of any whole school issues.

During units of work, teachers formatively assess the children to identifying those who are fulfilling their potential. Attainment is compared to previous end of key stage or early learning assessment to asses which children are sustaining progress, working at a greater depth or making accelerated progress. Teacher’s professional judgements are backed up by tests which the children take.

We assess and track maths progress formally using Rising Stars termly assessments. After each assessment phase, staff analyse the tests and identify actions to influence their future teaching.

Below is an outline of the impact we are looking for in our pupils in the curriculum area of Maths:

  • Children are number fluent and are confident exploring number.
  • Children are confident in using the four operations.
  • Children are accurate with a range of arithmetic methods.
  • Children make links between fractions, decimals and percentages.
  • Children are confident to apply their learning in a range of contexts.
  • Children have the required skills to apply their knowledge in problem solving and reasoning questions.
  • Children can use perseverance skills and are determined to be successful.
  • Children know which equipment to use to support their learning.
  • Children are equally confident in abstract, pictorial and concrete learning.
  • Children have an ever increasing knowledge of maths in the real world.
  • Children can articulate and explain why maths is important.







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