Hindley Junior & Infant School

Argyle Street, Hindley, Wigan, Lancashire WN2 3PN   01942 255339   07759 969879



In the digital world in which we live, we are surrounded by technology at home, at school and in the workplace which transforms the way we live our daily lives and how we communicate with each other.
At Hindley J and I, our intention is to enable pupils to be active participants in this digital world, both now and in the future, by not only providing them with practical skills, knowledge and understanding but also through the development of their computational thinking so that they are able to problem solve, design solutions and understand behaviour.  
The aims of our Computing curriculum, in line with the National Curriculum are to develop pupils who:

  • are highly aware of all aspects of online safety, both in and out of school
  • can use technology safely and respectfully and are able to recognise acceptable or unacceptable behaviour.
  • can keep personal information private
  • know where to go for help and support when they have concerns about content or contact on the internet or with other online technologies
  • can understand and apply the fundamental principles and concepts of computer science, including abstraction, logic, algorithms and data representation
  • can analyse problems in computational terms, and have repeated practical experience of writing computer programs in order to solve such problems
  • can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or unfamiliar technologies, analytically to solve problems
  • are responsible, competent, confident and creative users of information and communication technology



Through discrete, weekly computing lessons, our children develop their skills and knowledge of computer science through a wide range of discussion and practical activity and application. At Hindley J and I, pupils have access to a dedicated computing suite as well as laptops, iPads, tablets and a range of other suitable equipment and software. Children are also given opportunities to use and apply the techniques they have learnt across other areas of the curriculum to consolidate and build upon prior learning.
Educating our children and families to stay safe online is paramount. In addition to whole school initiatives such as Safer Internet Day, assemblies and regular messages/tips being shared with parents, we have a progressive online safety curriculum which all classes follow.
At the start of each half term, children are given the opportunity to understand an aspect of online safety and consider its implications from the following themes:

  • self-image and identity
  • online relationships and reputation
  • privacy & security, copyright & ownership
  • managing information online
  • online bullying
  • health, well-being and lifestyle

Each online safety theme is clearly sequenced throughout school to allow children to revisit and then build upon prior learning.
All lessons build on prior knowledge, at the same time as introducing new skills and challenges. Units of work for each half term are selected from the following themes, all of which are progressively sequenced throughout school with children’s understanding assessed throughout, to inform next steps in learning.

  • Computer Skills
  • Computer Art/DT
  • Programming and Animation
  • Internet Research and Communication
  • Sound and Recording
  • Presentation Skills


Children will become digital citizens who will embrace technology in their lives and use it both purposefully and responsibly. They will see the digital world extending beyond school, be confident in its use and application, and go on to lead happy and healthy digital lives.
Children will use digital and technological vocabulary accurately, and a range of hardware and software confidently.
Our children will leave primary school digitally literate - ready for their next stage in education.
They will be able to use, develop and apply the skills they learn not only in a digital context, but in everyday life. The learning which takes place in computing, will give our children vital life skills and develop the key characteristics of our pupils to enable them to flourish in our school and the wider community.
Through the solving of problems and task completion, they will accept that making mistakes is a normal part of the process. They will develop perseverance and resilience by being willing to have a go, see what happens and keep going even when things seem confusing. They will be prepared to leave a problem for a while and come back to it later, thinking ‘outside the box’ with imaginative and effective ideas. Through collaboration and knowledge sharing, they will improve their communication whilst learning from each other, being respectful and cooperative. When completing computing activities, they will think logically about the steps, information and tools needed, and have confidence in their design and their own ability to succeed.
To track and measure the impact of Computing teaching, we use Insight, our online assessment tool that aligns directly with our curriculum. This allows teachers to instantly monitor how individual classes or year groups are performing against our curriculum targets, helping to identify and address any gaps in learning. In addition to Insight, the subject leader conducts informal learning walks and pupil interviews, alongside reviewing children’s work, to ensure that learning objectives are met and knowledge can be recalled when prompted. These assessments show that pupils are not only engaged and excited about Computing but also able to retain and apply what they’ve learned, demonstrating the effectiveness of our curriculum.

Class Dojo


Home Learning




If you have any concerns about something you see online, you can visit CEOP Safety Centre and make a report directly to CEOP by clicking the button below.

