Miss Lucas
School's Assessment Procedures and Expectations
At Hindley J&I regular assessment takes place to ensure that progress is monitored. This includes: book scrutinies, learning walks and progress tests in Years 1 to 6 (Early Years in Summer term). As a school we have set weeks for term assesments.
Click on the above link to see our procedures and expectations
Philosophy of Assessment
Assessment should have a purpose at every level for everyone involved:
School Leaders should be able to use summative assessment as a tool for monitoring the progress and attainment pupils make, to ensure the school is helping pupils achieve their potential.
Class teachers should be able to use formative assessment to support planning and implementation of a curriculum designed to meet the needs of learners.
Teachers and school leaders should be able to use assessment to help ensure that the pupils who need specified intervention are quickly identified, appropriately supported and monitored so that all can fully achieve their potential and no one is left to struggle behind.
Parents should be able to get a clear and accurate sense of their child?s achievement and progress as well as areas where they can support development.
Governors should be able to use data to ensure the school is supporting pupils learning effectively.
Target Tracker's Approach to Assessment and Progress Tracking in the New Curriculum
In April 2014 the Department for Education released 'Assessment Principles', a document outlining the core values all effective assessment systems should implement as part of the changes introduced with the 2014 National Curriculum. As the ?Government will not impose a single system for ongoing assessment?, it is up to schools to implement a system that can: ?Give reliable information to parents about how their child, and their child?s school, is performing, help drive improvement for pupils and teachers and make sure the school is keeping up with external best practice and innovation.?
Target Tracker Assessment System
School uses the 'Target Tracker' assessment system to record pupils? attainment and progress. Targets are set indicating what each pupil is expected to acceve Parents receive a mid-year and at the end of the year report on attainment and progress in rein, writing and maths.
Click on the llink above to find out how we are tracking attainment and progress using STEPS
Click on the above link to see progress report
for Year 1 to Year 6 |
Click on the above link to see progress report
for Early Years |
Year Group Expectations
These statements are the 2014 year group expectations, for example Band 1 is Year 1, Band 2 is Year 2 etc.
To find the statements for your child, just click on the correct band.