Hindley Junior & Infant School

Argyle Street, Hindley, Wigan, Lancashire WN2 3PN   01942 255339   07759 969879

Year 3 - Mrs Grioli

Thank you for taking time to visit our class page. I hope you find all of the information below useful.

Who is my child's class teacher?

Mrs Grioli is your child’s teacher. She is supported by Mrs Wood (Learning Support Assistant)

What time does school start and finish?

School starts at 8:45am and finishes 3:15pm.

When is school closed for holidays?

Please visit the term dates
(https://www.hindley.wigan.sch.uk/Term%20Dates.html) section of our school website.

What will my child be learning this year?


Welcome to Year 3, the first stage of your child’s Key Stage 2 journey. Throughout this busy and exciting year, we will be covering a wide variety of topics, from Rocks and Light, Ancient Greece, Pneumatic moving monsters, The North West, R & B, expressing drawing to music, trips to museums, The Lake District and Hindley allotments and even beginning to learn the basics of Spanish as a modern foreign language!

Other learning includes computing, RE, PSHE and learning a variety of new and essential skills in PE including dodgeball, yoga, dance and tag rugby.


Throughout the year, we aim to learn new strategies and develop a sound understanding of Maths. We will cover topics such as fractions, multiplication and division, geometry and time. In English, we will hone and develop our writing skills by studying and writing our own character descriptions, diary entry, instructions and letters. Lots of writing in Year 3 will be based around the work of our class author, Roald Dahl.

Reading is taught every single day and developing comprehension (understanding of the text) is paramount to your child’s success. Mrs Grioli will be teaching new vocabulary, pace, intonation, comprehension and importantly for the KS2 SAT, how to answer questions on text that prove understanding.


All of this learning is underpinned with reading at home. With regular reading, your child will have the best chance of success in and out of school. I expect that your child reads 5 times a week at home with an adult that can help, support and encourage. Helping your child with academic success is a team effort of adults at home, child and school. I look forward to working with you to help your child thrive in my class, and for school to be safe, welcoming and enjoyable place to be.


It is important that your children are constantly recapping and learning their times tables ready for their journey throughout KS2 and beyond. The children will be logging onto Times Tables Rockstars to keep their learning ‘bubbling’. To support your child, we encourage families to recap and revise times tables with their child. In Year 3, your child is expected to know their 3, 4 and 8 times tables alongside their 2, 5 and 10 from their previous year group.


When does my child have PE?

Thursday and Friday afternoons.
On these days, your child should come to school dressed in their PE kit and trainers. Please see the uniform page on our website (https://www.hindley.wigan.sch.uk/Uniform.html)

What should my child bring to school each day?

All stationery will be provided by school. Children do not need to bring any pens or pencils into school. Toys (including fidget toys or emotional support items) are not allowed to be brought into school from home without prior permission from Mrs Grioli.


A full, clean water bottle with their name on. If it’s sunny, your child should come to school with sun cream already applied and a sun hat.

What homework will my child get?

Every Monday your child will be sent a set of Times Tables to practice alongside 10 spellings. These will be tested the following Monday.

Why is reading so important?

The importance of reading for children cannot be underestimated. Reading for pleasure can benefit a child’s education, social and cognitive development, their wellbeing, and their mental health. Reading is the bedrock of all learning.



Our class author in Year 3 is Roald Dahl and so we will read a variety of his books throughout the year, kicking off with The Enormous Crocodile. Much of our writing will be based on our class books and so collecting vocabulary, phrases and punctuation will be key.


For more information about reading please visit our reading page on the school website:


As a school, we expect your child to read at least 5 times per week, with their reading diaries signed and the page numbers recorded. When the diary has been signed, your child will receive a stamp and sticker on their class chart. When your child has read each day and have had their diary signed, they will be entered into a class raffle for a prize.



How will I receive updates and messages from school?

Staff are always available at the end of the day to answer any quick questions or queries. Class Dojo is used as the main lines of communication throughout school, so please make sure that all parents/carers have a class dojo account set up and regularly check messages and updates. You can send direct messages to your child's class teacher via class dojo, but please be mindful that staff are teaching, so they will not always be able to message back immediately.





How We do Maths


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