Click on the above link to see WSCB Internet safety webpage
Net Aware
NSPCC and O2 worked together to find out what parents thought about the social networks that children use. They also asked young people what they thought.
As part of their belief in helping parents know how to keep their children safe online, they wanted to develop a guide, primarily aimed at parents of 8-12 year olds, about the social networks, apps or games with an interactive element that children use most frequently. They have now created a guide to provide parents with the information they need to understand their child's online world and help them keep their children safe online.
We would like to encourage our parents to explore the guide and see what other parents and children are saying about the sites, and form their own views about the appropriateness of popular sites. We hope that Net Aware can help give our parents the confidence to have balanced and informed conversations about what their children are doing online.

Click on the link above to visit the Net Aware website
Share Aware
To kids, online life is real life. And, just like in real life, kids need help to stay safe online.
Share Aware is an NSPCC and O2 campaign to help parents have regular and informed conversations with their child about online safety. We're aiming to get every family in the UK chatting about their kids' online world, just like they would about their day at school.
We tell children that?s it?s good to share, but online it?s different and sometimes it can be dangerous. Through our straight-forward, step-by-step advice and Icebreaker email series, we?ll show parents how to untangle the web and teach children how to make the right decisions online, even when parents aren?t there
The internet is a great place for kids to be, being Share Aware makes it safer.

click on the above link to visit the Share Aware website

Click on the link above to see the PCSO Internet Bullying slideshow