Hindley Junior & Infant School

Argyle Street, Hindley, Wigan, Lancashire WN2 3PN   01942 255339   07759 969879

SEND Roles and Responsibilities

SENCO- Miss D Egan
Email: sendco@hindley.wigan.sch.uk
Tel: 01942 255 339


At Hindley Junior & Infant School, we are fully supportive of inclusion and strive to ensure that all our pupils progress to their full potential, enjoying appropriate challenges and the achievement of success. Quality first teaching is vital; however for some children, there are occasions when further additional support may be needed to help them achieve their targets. This includes children with; Cognitive and Learning needs, Communication and Interaction difficulties, Sensory and /or Physical needs and Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties (as identified in the SEND Code of Practice 2015). We are aware that some pupils have needs that span across the categories and teachers will then be aware of both the child’s primary need and subsequent needs.

At Hindley Junior & Infant School we cater for a range of special needs from mild or moderate learning difficulties to more specific needs, including emotional and/or behavioural issues.  If a child is considered to have a Special Educational Need, we put plans in place to support that child and work alongside a range of other professionals to ensure that the needs of the child are being met within our mainstream provision. We follow the four stages of the graduated approach for our SEN pupils:

·        Assess - teacher assessment of child
·        Plan  - targets/plans put in place to support a specific learning need.
·        Do – allowing time for the targets to be worked upon regularly with the child
·        Review – after a set amount of time the targets are reviewed


All staff across school take accountability for the teaching and achievements of pupils with SEN, providing them with a broad, rich curriculum in which they can succeed.

 We aim to :

  • Carefully adapt our teaching and learning to a child’s specific need.
  • Create Support Plans to all children identified as having SEN
  • Create targets for children to work towards, to allow them to access the curriculum.
  • Involve the child in decision making about their special  educational provision.
  • Work in partnership with parents/carers, valuing their views and contributions and keeping them fully involved in their child’s education
  • At Hindley Junior & Infant School SEN provision is of a high standard and as a result our SEN pupils are nurtured and make outstanding progress.


Please follow the link below to see the schools SEN report. This details the provision for SEN at Hindley J & I and seeks to answer FAQ.

To discuss any part of the offer and policy please speak to a SENCo manager. We value your thoughts and input, if there is anything you feel is missing or unanswered in the policy and offer, please get in touch.



Class Newsletter
SEN Policy
SEN Report
Medical Policy
Code of Practice
Intent, Implementation & Impact


Wigan Council SEND
Click on the link above to visit the Wigan Council SEND Local Offer


If you have any concerns about something you see online, you can visit CEOP Safety Centre and make a report directly to CEOP by clicking the button below.

